SUMO-tag: boost your recombinant protein expression

SUMO-tag gene fusion acts as both a chaperonin and as an initiator of protein folding in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. Addition of this tag enables protein experts to increase the expression levels of recombinant proteins and to significantly improve protein solubility.

How can SUMO-tag boost recombinant protein production yields?

SUMOstar™ enhances expression and solubility in yeast
SUMO enhances recombinant protein expression and solubility in yeast.

DeSUMOylases cysteine proteases used to remove SUMO (for Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier) tags, are efficient and precise. They enable the release of recombinant proteins with the desired N-terminal amino acid. In addition, they never cleave within the fused protein making downstream applications and experimental data much more reliable. Both the SUMO tags and the DeSUMOylases have His-6 tags ensuring their subsequent removal fast and easy.

Other gene fusion systems (GST, NusA, MBP, or Trx) are innately hampered by two main limitations.

  1. The proteases used for tag removal (thrombin, EK, or TEV protease) require linkers between the tag and the protein of interest. This leads to a recombinant protein with an artificial N-terminus after the cleavage.
  2. The recognition sequences for the proteases and within the linker are small and degenerate. This leads to possible cleavages of the protein of interest at sequences similar to those recognized by the proteases.

    SUMOpro® fusion enhances expression and solubility in E. coli
    SUMO enhances recombinant protein expression and solubility in E. coli.

By bypassing these hurdles, SUMO-tag gene fusion systems (LifeSensors) meet protein experts’ standards for getting high yields of soluble, functional recombinant proteins.

Willing to enhance expression and facilitate rapid purification of your recombinant proteins?

SUMO systems are compatible with E. coli, yeasts (Saccharomyces, Pichia), insect cell/baculovirus systems, and Mammalian (CHO, HEK293) platforms. Various classes of proteins have been successfully expressed with SUMO-tag:

  • Serine and Threonine kinases
  • TGFβ
  • Membrane proteins
  • G-Protein family
  • Nuclear receptors
  • Cytokines and growth factors
  • Viral proteins and antigens…

Contact your tebu-bio protein experts to discuss further about your project. They might bring you attractive SUMO trial strategies or even tailored-made outsourcing solutions.



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