5 reliable research tools to study ERG, USP9X and DUB inhibitor in prostate cancer

Anti PSA antibody (GTX100054)

In a recent paper published in PNAS, Wang et al. show that the inhibition of the deubiquitinase USP9x by the small molecule WP-1130 is able to induce degradation of the transcription factor E-twenty-six related gene (ERG).

In addition, USP9X KnockDown (KD) HeLa cells have increased ubiquitinated ERG levels together with ERG depletion (after 72 hours of treatment of HeLa cells with siRNA against USP9X and controls ). (1)

Interestingly, ERG is an important driver of prostate cancer. Fused with the Androgen-responsive Gene Transmembrane Protease, Serine 2 (TMPRSS2) gene, ERG gene is overexpressed in 40% of prostate tumors.

In this study, the authors demonstrate that:

1/ USP9X is potential druggable target in prostate cancer.

2/ WP1130 is a possible lead compound for prostate cancer.

3/ By inhibiting USPX9, the WP1130 small molecule induces a ERG depletion and impacts prostate tumor growth.

(1) Wang et al. “Ablation of the oncogenic transcription factor ERG by deubiquitinase inhibition in prostate cancer” (2014) PNAS, vol. 111 n° 11, 4251-4256. DOI10.1073/pnas.132219811

5 validated prostate cancer research tools

  1. WP1130 (98% pure) is a novel DUB inhibitor potentially usefull for the development of ERG-depleting drugs in prostate cancer. (1)
  2. USP9X stable KD ready-to-use HeLa cell line includes the Silencix® technology (using a unique siRNA Delivery system) and brings stability and efficiency of knockdown in a syngenic model.
  3. Human USP9X specific mouse monoclonal (1C4) antibody and Human ERG specific rabbit polyclonal antibody are 100% guaranteed for Western Blotting, IF, ELISA and Western Blotting, ICC and IF respectively.
  4. VU-1 is a monoclonal antibody recognizes free ubiquitin, K48-, K63-, K11- and linear chains on Western blot and is ideal for immunostaining to detect subcellular ubiquitin localization.
  5. PSA antibody [C2C3] is a rabbit polyclonal antibody ideal for the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) detection in Human tissues by IHC.

Experimental data gallery related to ERG, USP9X and DUB inhibitor

WP1130 DUB inhibitor small molecule
WP1130 DUB inhibitor small molecule – C19H18BrN3O – CAS No: 856243-80-6 (cat. nr 10-1351-5 – Focus Biomolecules).
SilenciX target gene specific silencing efficiency
Knockdown efficiencies of SilenciX KD HeLa cell lines / target gene (qPCR).
Residual endogenous expression (dark green) is guaranteed to be reduced to 30% and we often obtain a reduction below 20% of the normal level expression of the gene. The knockdown efficiency (light green) is also homogenous and stable – source tebu-bio Laboratories.
ERG antibody
Immunofluorescence of paraformaldehyde-fixed human pancreatic cancer cell line, using ERG antibody (cat. nr GTX100257) – Source GeneTex.


Mouse Monoclonal anti USP9X
Immunofluorescence of monoclonal antibody to USP9X on HeLa cell (cat. nr H00008239-M01) – source Abnova.
















VU-1 Monoclonal Antibody in IF
Rat primary neuron triple stained with antibodies to ubiquitin (VU-1 monoclonal antibody; red), microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2; green), and the nuclear stain DAPI (blue) – source LifeSensors.
Sections of human brain stained with VU-1 ubiquitin monoclonal antibody
Sections of human brain stained with VU-1 ubiquitin monoclonal antibody visualized using DAB chromogenic substrate: A) Multiple System Atrophy, B) Parkinson’s Disease, C) Progressive Supranuclear Palsy – source: LifeSensors.


Anti PSA antibody  (GTX100054)
PSA antibody [C2C3], C-term detects KLK3 protein at cytosol on prostate by immunohistochemical analysis. Sample: Paraffin embedded prostate. PSA antibody cat. nr GTX100054 – source GeneTex.













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