DyLight™ will be your routine fluorescent dye

GST Antibody conjugated DyLight dye 488 (IF)

Rockland Immunochemicals have developed a suite of fluorescent dyes (DyLight™) with unique fluorescence intensity and photostability. Here, we take a look at how DyLight™ dyes have all the characteristics and potential to become your daily fluorescent dye conjugates.

Mouse IgG (H&L) Antibody DyLight™680 high fluorescence intensity and photostability vs. IRDye®700 (DyLight™ will be your routine fluorescent dye - Being Bio-reactive)
Mouse IgG (H&L) Antibody DyLight™680 high fluorescence intensity and photostability vs. IRDye®700.

#1- What makes DyLight™ dyes unique?

Due to high-intensity emission, DyLight™ dyes show high sensitivity levels requiring the use of less conjugate.
Resistant to photobleaching and with negligible bleed-through between fluorophore channels, DyLight™ dyes enable multi-color detection and are completely stable at pH 4-9.

DyLight™ conjugates are ideal substitutes for IRDye® products as far as experimental results and budgets are concerned. For example, DyLight™ 680 and DyLight™ 800 products are an excellent alternative to Infra-Red and Near Infra-Red IRDye® products.

DyLight dyes and fluorescent emission spectra. Source: Rockland Immuniochemicals, tebu-bio. ((DyLight™ will be your routine fluorescent dye - Being Bio-reactive)
DyLight dyes and fluorescent emission spectra. Source: Rockland Immuniochemicals, tebu-bio.

#2- Are DyLight™ dyes compatible with common fluorescence instrumentation?

For use in primary or secondary antibody assays, DyLight™ is compatible with filter and laser settings on popular instrumentation with bright emission spectra that match the principal output wavelengths of common fluorescence instrumentation (Li-Cor Odyssey®, Bio-Rad Chemi-Doc™ MP, UVP BioSpectrum®, Protein Simple Fluorochem, GE Healthcare Typhoon Systems, Leica STED Microscopy, Nikon Confocal & Nikon Super-Resolution).

#3- What range of applications do DyLight™ dyes cover?

DyLight™ conjugated antibodies are ideal for TrueBlot® IP / Western blotting, Multiplex imaging, Flow cytometry, IF, ELISA, High Content screening, High resolution microscopy…

DyLight™ Dyes used in double-WB labeling in fluorescent WB (e.g. using a Li-Cor Odyssey). (DyLight™ will be your routine fluorescent dye - Being Bio-reactive)
DyLight™ Dyes used in double-WB labeling in fluorescent WB (e.g. using a Li-Cor Odyssey).

We’ve noted that these are some of the most popular Dylight™ products:

  • Anti-MOUSE IgG (H&L) (DONKEY) Antibody DyLight™ 800 Conjugated Pre-Adsorbed (cat. nr 039610-745-124)
  • Anti-MOUSE IgG (H&L) (GOAT) Antibody DyLight™ 800 Conjugated Pre-Adsorbed (cat. nr 039610-145-121)
  • Anti-RABBIT IgG (H&L) (GOAT) Antibody DyLight™ 800 Conjugated Pre-Adsorbed (cat. nr 039611-145-122)
  • Anti-MOUSE IgG (H&L) (GOAT) Antibody DyLight™ 680 Conjugated Pre-Adsorbed (cat. nr 039610-144-121)


GST Antibody conjugated DyLight dye 488 (IF) (DyLight™ will be your routine fluorescent dye - Being Bio-reactive)
Anti-histone detection using a DyLight™ 488 conjugate (green). Anti-Tubulin was detected using a DyLight™ 549 conjugate (red). Nuclei were counter-stained using DAPI (blue). The image was captured using an Axio Imager.Z1 (Zeiss Micro Imaging Inc).

Well… has this given you any ideas, would you like to learn more or try Rockland’s DyLight™ fluorescent conjugated products?

Get in touch with tebu-bio’s experts, or leave a message below.

Fluorescent dyes used for primary and secondary antibody conjugation with respective colors and spectra. Source: Rockland Immunochemicals, tebu-bio. (DyLight™ will be your routine fluorescent dye - Being Bio-reactive)
Fluorescent dyes used for primary and secondary antibody conjugation with respective colours and spectra. Source: Rockland Immunochemicals, tebu-bio.


2 responses

  1. Do you have a Dylight conjugation kit? I want to prepare Delight antiserum(without purifying IgG).

    1. Dear Masamichi,
      Thank you for your question.
      As far as the DyLight technology is concerned, the trend is to provide high quality conjugated antibodies validated for their applications. Each lot produced is thus tested and QCed according to internal standards and is released only if it meets these standards.
      For protein labeling, various ready-to-use conjugation kit are available. They allow labeling of your own samples with fluorescent dyes like HiLyte, FITC… but not yet with DyLight. Our expert will contact you directly by e-mail to provide you with all the information needed to assist you in the conjugation of your preparations.

      Best regards,


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