First small molecule probes to specifically label peroxisome

Simple, fast and reliable method to stain peroxisomes

We’re excited to introduce two new peroxisome probes: Peroxi_SPY555 and Peroxi_SPY650. These unique probes are the first small molecule probes to specifically label peroxisome for live cell imaging.

Overcome the hurdles of current peroxisome labeling methods

Currently, labeling peroxisomes in live cells can only be performed by expressing fluorescent proteins tagged with the sequence “SKL”, the signaling sequence for peroxisome import. This involves genetic manipulation, transfection or infection with viral vectors, a tedious, time-consuming procedure which cannot be used with some cell types.  

Peroxi_SPY probes solve this problem and offer a simple, fast and reliable method to stain peroxisomes on many sample types, including cultured cells, tissue or whole organisms. 

Embryonic stem cells with Peroxi_SPY650

Peroxi_SPY650 – GFP-SKL colocalization

First small molecule probes for live cell imaging of peroxisomes

  • Simple “add and image” protocol
  • Achieve staining in 15 minutes
  • 2 colors available
  • Work on live cells, including live zebrafish embryos
  • No cytotoxicity at the working concentration

Using Peroxi_SPY probes is extremely simple

Just add the probe to your cell culture medium and achieve efficient labeling within 15 minutes.

Published in Nature Communications

Fluorescent fatty acid conjugates for live cell imaging of peroxisomes

Korotkova, D., Borisyuk, A., Guihur, A. et al. Fluorescent fatty acid conjugates for live cell imaging of peroxisomes. Nat Commun 15, 4314 (2024).

Peroxi_SPY650 – Whole fish embryo