Histone Peptide Arrays' contribution in Epigenetic studies

EpiGold™ Histone Peptide Array Data-ECL

EpiGold™ Histone Peptide Array Data-FluorescenceDNA methylation and histone post-translational modifications are key epigenetic factors.

They regulate gene expression by interfering with the chromatin structure and the binding of effector proteins to post-translational modified histones (1).

Several experimental strategies to analyze such binding have recently been designed; histone modified peptide arrays being one of them.

These arrays allow rapid screening of protein interactions with hundreds of modified histone peptides at once (1, 2).

EpiCypher's EpiGold™ Histone Peptide Arrays

For instance, Epicypher’s EpiTitan™ (formerlyEpiGold™) Histone Peptide Arrays contain more than 70 known modifications on the four core histones (H3, H4, H2A, and H2B) plus several histone variants. 

 EpiGold™ Histone Peptide Arrays can be used to analyze the binding specificity of antibodies, “effector” protein domains or histone-modifying enzymes, to hundreds of post-translational modified histone peptides spotted 24 times each per array.

EpiCypher’s Histone Peptide Arrays – recent citations

(1) Rothbart SB et al (2013). Multivalent histone engagement by the linked tandem Tudor and PHD domains of UHRF1 is required for the epigenetic inheritance of DNA methylation. Genes Dev 27: 1288-1298. Doi: 10.1101/gad.220467.113Genes & Dev. 2013. 27:1288-1298 

(2) Cai L et al (2013). An H3K36 Methylation-Engaging Tudor Motif of Polycomb-like Proteins Mediates PRC2 Complex Targeting. Mol Cell 49: 571-582. Doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2012.11.026

Want to benefit from these powerful Epigenetic research tools?

Ready-to-use Histone peptide arrays and ultra-pure post-translational modified histone peptides are now available. See how these Histone arrays are unique for studying Epigenetic interactions by contacting EpiCypher’s representatives in Europe.

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