Buccal swab DNA Collection with no cold chain required

For years tebu-bio has been selling Epicentre-Illumina’s BuccalAmp™ system for non-invasive DNA sampling from inner cheek buccal cells. For many research studies, we find that researchers need two important things from a swab-based DNA collection system. First, the system must yield high quality DNA suitable for Next Generation Sequencing applications. Secondly, the system must instantly stabilize the sample to allow for at-home or remote location sampling (no cold chain required). In this post, I will introduce you to the iSWAB™-DNA Collection Kits.

The iSWAB™-DNA Collection Kits provide both of these things.Screen Shot 2014-12-14 at 8.52.39 AM

DNA collection with iSWAB™ Kit features

Mawi DNA Technologies – iSWAB™-DNA Collection Kit can capture samples producing high yield, double-stranded, long fragmented DNA from buccal cells using buccal swabs.

  • Simple, fast and convenient sample collection:  Self or assisted collection with high simplicity and ease in less than 5 minutes
  • High nucleic acid recovery: Up to 30µg of double-stranded, long fragment DNA for downstream applications including microarray and NGS
  • Low bacterial genomic DNA contamination: Achieve less than 1% bacterial genomic DNA contamination
  • Swab-free sample transport: Decrease sample processing time without compromising sample integrity
  • Accommodate for sample from various age groups:  Suitable for all population segments including infants, toddlers, and elderlies
  • Traceable: LIMS compatible unique barcodes included on each iSWAB device for efficient traceability and storage purposes (human-readable 2D barcodes on the side and 3D barcodes on the caps).sidebarcode
  • Room temperature stable: reducing sample storage and transport costs by eliminating cold chain
  • Scalable and easy to process: Manual and automation friendly sample processing

iSWAB™ high quality DNA

The ability of this system to yield high quality DNA has to due with the patented system that uses miniature combs to scrape buccal cells into the stabilizing liquid from a traditional swab.Screen Shot 2014-12-14 at 8.47.01 AMiswab

Once in the liquid, human cells (or at least their DNA) are stabilized and bacterial growth is prevented. Experts have indicated that this particular system is ideally suited for epigenetic studies and studies where researchers want to collect samples from human subjects at remote locations throughout the world.

The entire collection procedure can be seen in this video.

Mawi DNA Technologies – iSWAB™-DNA Collection system is available in two different formats:

  1. As individual at-home collection kits complete with the barcoded collection tube, instructions, swabs, and a sealable “biohazard” bag containing absorbent cloth for sample return shipment.Box and Rack of tubes
  2. As racks of 50 vials for collection site sampling. These racks are the ideal solution for a large population study in remote locations where refrigeration or freezing is not certain.

Interested in collecting DNA samples?

If you are interested in collecting DNA samples through the iSWAB™-DNA, iSWAB™-RNA, or iSWAB™-Protein collection systems, feel free to leave a message or a comment below!

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