Mast cell-derived exosome modulate trophoblast cell viability, migration and invasion

ExoSparkler Exosome Membrane and Protein Labeling Kits

Exosomes, a form of secreted extracellular vesicles, contain various proteins and nucleic acids; therefore, exosomes have various effects on recipient cells. Recently, there have been many reports related to exosomes, for example, metastasis and malignant progression of cancer, therapeutic research, and diagnostic research.1)

Mast cell-derived EVs have a large repertoire of cargos, including proteins and RNA, as well as surface DNA.2) Mast cell-derived exosomes are often mentioned in the study of immune regulation and regulate the process of preeclampsia (PE). 3)

Yinfen Wang et al.’s group verified the specific expression of miR-181a-5p in mast cells from the placenta of PE patients and clarified that exosomal miR-181a-5p regulates the malignant biological phenomenon of trophoblast cells through the YY1/MMP-9 axis.4) Furthermore, mast cell-derived exosomal miR-181a-5p modulated trophoblast cell viability, migration and invasion via YY1/MMP-9.

Primary mast cells were isolated from the placenta of PE patients and normal pregnant women in the early stage, which were then applied to perform miRNA sequencing.

To further examine the role of mast cell-derived miR-181a-5p in PE, exosomes were filtered in a vacuum using the ExoIsolator Exosome Isolation Kit from DOJINDO, and exosomes were recovered from the surface of the Isolation Filter. The recovered exosomes were analyzed by qRT-PCR, Western blot, Wound healing assay, and Transwell assay, they have concluded that miR-181a-5p secreted in mast cells could inhibit MMP-9 expression by targeting YY1 in trophoblast cells to affect cell migration and invasion.

Easy to use Dojindo EX10 ExoIsolator Exosome Isolation Kit

In conclusion, mast cell-derived exosomal miR-181a-5p modulates HTR-8/SVneo cell viability, migration, and invasion via YY1/MMP-9. From the immunological perspective, innovatively expounds the occurrence of PE, and provides a new approach and laboratory evidence for the clinical search for diagnostic markers.

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  1. Science. 2020,367(6478).
  2. Respiratory Research, 2020, 21, 101,
  3. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol., 2018, 54(3), 432-445
  4. J Clin Lab Anal., 2022, 36, 24549.


Special thanks to our partner from Dojindo Laboratories, JAPAN, for writing this article.