Next generation non-invasive DNA collection device

Blood sampling
Drawing blood for DNA collection

DNA is a useful source of information for research and medicine. It starts by collection, following which it is deciphered by a wide range of analysis, from simple genotyping to deep whole genome sequencing.

The most popular way to collect DNA is drawing blood. Not very pleasant for the patient, as we have all noticed, and it also requires an experienced person, a nurse. The blood must be kept cold and DNA extraction should be done not long after the sampling. Still, it brings high yields of up to 30µg od DNA.

Buccal DNA collection
Buccal swab-based sampling

Alternatively, saliva sampling can be used to collection DNA. Sampling is painless, but it is still not an obvious choice especially with children. Yields are highly variable, and lower than with blood. Furthermore, kits are quite expensive.

Today, there is a sampling method to easily collect DNA, whilst also providing high yields. It is based on buccal sampling. I invite you to take a look at how it works and the benefits for your studies.

iSWAB-DNA innovative technology

iswab patent design
Optimal design to drop cells

The iSWAB technology is based on an swab for buccal sampling and an innovative collection tube. The patented design is optimal to release the buccal cells into the vial, into a proprietary buffer that selectively lyses mammalian cells, prevents bacterial DNA from being released, and stabilizes the mammalian DNA.

What are the actual benefits?

DNA collection Rack
Small box of 50 barcoded vials
  • High yield – 10-30µg of DNA <1% bacterial DNA contamination
  • Stability at room temperature – over 5 years
  • Simple to collect – few minutes, no expertise required
  • Non-invasive – no pain for the patients
  • Reliability of the sampling – immediate visual control
  • Traceability – barcoded vials
  • Space-saving for storage & transport – convenient box of collection tubes
  • Whole genome and epigenome analysis – NGS compatible
  • Fast genotyping – immediate PCR possible without purification

Not only is the swab collection method is easier than drawing blood, but it is also reliable. The end-user can simply check the vial afterwards. If the word SWAB can’t be seen Visual controlanymore, the collection is successful. If it can still be read, more material can simply be added with a new buccal swab sampling.

DNA collection of cohort

The iSWAB technology of MawiDNA renews the way to collect DNA. Today we can get the same yield as with drawing blood, with a non-invasive method that bring also numerous other advantages including room temperature storage and transportation in reduced space. It will surely help with epidemiological studies, especially when examining pediatric populations.

So just try it and experience it by yourself!



What about you?

Which methods are you using to collect DNA samples? Leave your questions and comments below!

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