Genetic fingerprint of aggressive colon tumours

Patient-derived tumour organoids (mini colon tumours). In blue: cellular nuclei; in red: cellular membranes (Image: Alexandre Calon, IRB Barcelona).

Researchers at the IRB in Barcelona have found a signature of 4-6 genes able to predict the aggressivity of colon tumours, by analysing the tissue surrounding the tumour cells.

The scientists are currently developing a test that enables the identification of patients at risk of relapse after surgical removal of the tumour by measuring these found genes. They also propose to test in patients a particular drug that blocks the metastatic capacity of colorectal cancers in mice. This drug has been already tested using organoids derived from patients’ samples.


On a more funny note, have a look at the video done this last summer by researchers at the IRB Barcelona!

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2 responses

    1. Indeed, Sherlin. A bit more of clinical validations needed to really be able to link a given set of biomarkers to a given diagnosis / prognosis / response, but research is advancing towards this direction.

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