tebu-bio sponsors Pasteur Institute's Advances in Stem Cell Biology Course 2014

Pasteur Institut LogoFor the second year running,  tebu-bio is proud to be partner of the Pasteur Institute during the “2nd Advances in stem cell biology (ASCBC )” course (June 30 – July 12, 2014).

ASCBC 2014 – An introduction to unique Stem cell-related technologies

This two-week course combines lectures and practical sessions on leading edge technologies and questions in Stem cell biology in the context of organogenesis and regeneration in different organisms. This course is intended for research scientists and PhD students who already have laboratory experience and a good knowledge (equivalent to a Master level) in developmental and cell biology. It provides a wide scope of how stem cells and iPS can be involved in regenerative biology and medicine. (Full ASCBC 2014 complete program here)

tebu-bio is pleased to support this program for the second time. This year, tebu-bio’s experts will provide ASCBC participants with StemBeads FGF2 and CF-1 MEF during the hands-on sessions:

FGF web

1- Stembead technologies:

With StemBeads, the growth factor of interest is encapsulated in biocompatible microspheres for steady release into your media of choice, creating a more stable environment.

Take a look at our recent post on recent advances in Stem cell biology to know more about the StemBead technology.

Feeders Cells Image 1

2- Optimized MEF feeder cells:

The success of maintaining human and mouse ESC/iPSC begins with the propagation of healthy feeder cultures.

The MEF feeder cells support and maintain ESC/iPSC in the undifferentiated state. Our MEF have been rendered mitotically inactive via irradiation or chemical treatment with Mitomycin C. Untreated MEF are also available. Comprehensive testing of each lot minimizes contamination risks in your lab. Our MEF are tested to ensure robust and consistent performance with every lot.

Interested in participating in the 2015 course?

The agenda of the course “Advances in stem cell biology 2015 by the Pasteur Institute is already available, tebu-bio will be more than happy to sponsor this event again. See you there!

In the meantime, contact the Stem cell experts at tebu-bio for any questions related to Stem cell and iPS reprogramming, growth and characterization.

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