Prevent adapter dimer formation during NGS library prep

from: Shore et al. Improved Small RNA Library Preparation Workflows for Next Generation Sequencing [Poster]
Sources: Shore et al. “Improved Small RNA Library Preparation Workflows for Next Generation Sequencing” [Poster]
It is now quite easy to prevent adapter dimer formation during NGS library preps by using chemically-modified adapters.

In a poster presented at the recent ASHG 2014 meeting in San Diego, researchers from TriLink Biotechnologies described their innovative technology solving the adapter dimer problem in Next Generation Sequencing library prep.

Similar to the primer dimer problem observed when performing PCR (i.e. low molecular weight PCR by-products of primer-primer hybridization), adapter dimerization generates by products of NGS library prep that will greatly decrease the number of informative sequencing reads. This is particularly a problem for low-input studies and when working with small RNAs (e.g. miRNA).

TriLink’s expertise in chemistry-based solutions for biological problems has previously led to the creation of the CleanAmp™ product line. CleanAmp™ PrimersCleanAmp™ dNTPs and 2X PCR Master Mix employ heat labile modifications, similar to those on hot-start polymerases, to prevent primer dimerization or premature polymerase activity prior to a high-temperature activation step.

CleanAmp™ 7-deaza-dGTP is a chemistry-based solution allowing for the amplification of difficult GC-rich PCR products.

Interested in learning more about TriLink’s products and services (including GMP production of modified oligonucleotides for Phase I human trials)? Contact tebu-bio experts who are representing TriLink in Europe.


6 responses

      1. thanks, do you have estimation how long it is going to be , weeks or months?

  1. The CleanTag™ Ligation Kit for Small RNA Library Prep has now been released as a product (tebu-bio catalog #: 040L-3203). European customers can order it here:

    Index Primers for Illumina® technology can be purchased using the catalog numbers below:

    catalog #: 040L-3204-24: Index Primer Set 1 (Primers 1-12 with RT and Forward PCR Primer)

    catalog #: 040L-3205-24: Index Primer Set 2 (Primers 13-24 with RT and Forward PCR Primer)

    1. can I order this kit in China? How about prepare library with this kit for 10pg RNA?

      1. Dear Xiping,

        Thank you for reading our blog.
        tebu-bio distribute TriLink’s items in Europe. For technical enquiries and orders in China, I would recommend you to contact Shanghai QF Biosciences Co, Ltd.



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