Why you should outsource your plasmid preps

in vitro assays and lab services at tebu-bio

Plasmid preps are to science what salt is to cooking. They’re so common that nobody notices, but nothing can be done without them. There is no mention of this step in any published paper, nobody mentions them in any activity report, no comments are made on how much time is actually spent on it.

But let’s face it: it takes time, as simple and as usual as it may be. A couple of days, spent here and there. It’s so well planned in your weekly agenda, it’s such a habit, that you don’t even think about it. It’s just routine. When you’ve done a plasmid prep a couple of times, there’s nothing new to learn about it. It’s like riding a bike, once you know how, you don’t even notice any more.

But it takes time…

As simple and routine as it may be, there is always a choice to be made. What kind do you need?  Mini or Giga or any other? Will it be an endo free or not? What quality control (QC) is preferable?

And it takes even more time.

Finally, once you’ve decided, is there stock available in the lab? Do I really have to buy so much when only a little is needed? And am I sure that at the end, stock won’t get thrown away due to shelf life? And by the way, I should think about ordering more, we are getting low on stock…

And it starts to cost…

Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 4.55.17 PMIn any case, whether you need to do a lot of preps or only rarely, at some stage, you’ll get this feeling that time isn’t really being optimized. It’s mandatory for the project of course, but your skills are probably far better allocated to focusing on more strategical issues rather than on performing plasmid preps, right?

But… you need those plasmid preps.

Time management in labs is a crucial factor to keep ahead in a competitive world. Lab research is no exception to this. Results are needed rapidly to be able to publish, submit to congresses, request for grants. People in the lab are skilled and their time is extremely valuable. So who, now, can openly say that plasmid preps are not a waste of time? It all becomes a matter of optimization.

Why not outsource?

Of course, I can hear you say it’s more expensive and probably longer than performed in-house. That’s not even sure. Why not calculate the time you spend on performing plasmid preps, on ordering, on QCs, and in addition the time that cannot be spent on more valuable experiments? And compare that to outsourcing.

Then, like many others, you might consider getting in touch with us and get your GIGA PREP in less than five days for only 400 €.




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