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CleanCap Reagent M6, 1 umole
CleanCap Reagent M6, 10 umole
CleanCap Reagent M6, 100 umole
CleanCap Reagent M6, 5 umole
Ribonucleoside-5'-Triphosphate Set with N1-Methylpseudo-UTP,
Ribonucleoside-5'-Triphosphate Set with 5-Methoxy-UTP, 100 u
Ribonucleoside-5'-Triphosphate Set with Pseudo-UTP, 100 umol
T7 RNA Polymerase, 100 ug
T7 RNA Polymerase, 840 ug
Inorganic Pyrophosphatase (iPPase), 30 ug
Inorganic Pyrophosphatase (iPPase), 310 ug