Annphenone (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5781). Annphenone is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN5781 and the CAS number is 61775-18-6.
Corialin B (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5782). Corialin B is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN5782 and the CAS number is 1325717-47-2.
Shanciol H (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5783). Shanciol H is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN5783 and the CAS number is 1114905-55-3.
Oxoflaccidin (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5784). Oxoflaccidin is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN5784 and the CAS number is 121817-24-1.
Isooxoflaccidin (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5785). Isooxoflaccidin is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN5785 and the CAS number is 135010-50-3.
Flavanthrinin (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5786). Flavanthrinin is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN5786 and the CAS number is 130827-45-1.
Imbricatin (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5787). Imbricatin is a natural product for research related to life sciences. The catalog number is TN5787 and the CAS number is 84504-71-2.
Phyllostine (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN5788). Phyllostine appears to be their more immediate precursor, since PCMB-treated extracts of J2 converted Phyllostine but not isoepoxydon to these new metabolites.