Results for Chemicals & Small Molecules ( 97582 )
Deoxycalyciphylline B (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN6004). Deoxycalyciphylline B exhibits hepatic toxicity. Deoxycalyciphylline B and Methyl homosecodaphniphyllate show different inhibitory effects on thephenoloxidase (PO) of Spodoptera exigua (Hbner) and the inhibitor concentrations leading to 50% (IC50) activity lost are estimated to be 2.439 mmol·L-1 for deoxycalyciphyllineB and 0.879mmol·L-1 for methyl homosecodaphniphyllate,respectively.
Picrasidine S (Legacy Tebubio ref. 282TN6010). Picrasidine S shows the potent cytotoxicity against human HeLa cervical, gastric MKN-28, and mouse melanoma B-16 cancer cells, it also shows the potent antibacterial activity against two strains of pathogenic bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and two strains of pathogenic bacteria methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA).