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    Results for Cells Reagents ( 4838 )

      • Coating solution for GI Epithelial Cells

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      • The NanoSpark® EVEN-T Soluble T Cell Activator reagent kit allows the user to modulate the CD4+:CD8+ ratio in a dose-dependent manner during T cell expansion, including CAR-T cells. The NanoSpark® EVEN-T Soluble T Cell Activator is an easy-to-use, culture-ready reagent for in vitro activation and expansion of human T cells, through an entirely protein-based activation with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies on a protein scaffold. The percentage of CD4+ T cells can be increased by adding increasing amounts of EVEN-T to the culture media, effectively modulating the CD4+:CD8+ ratio during the expansion step. The functional dose range is media-specific and can be tuned to your platform needs. The product activates resting human CD3+ T cells originating from purified T lymphocytes or patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The nanoscale of the NanoSpark® EVEN-T protein complex allows for sterile filtration and easy removal of the activating reagent via standard media exchange o

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      • The NanoSpark® GROW-NK Soluble Activator is an easy-to-use, culture-ready, feeder-free reagent for in vitro activation and expansion of human NK cells. The NanoSpark® GROW-NK Soluble Activator contains self-assembling protein nanoparticles with functional antibodies bound to the surface through high-affinity non-covalent interactions. These anti-NKp46 and anti-CD2 antibodies are arranged in a proprietary biophysical combination on the NanoSpark® platform to drive internal signal transduction leading to the robust activation of human CD3-/CD56+ NK cells. The nanoscale of the NanoSpark® GROW-NK protein complex allows for sterile filtration and removal of excess reagent via either media exchange or simple centrifugal cell washing. The platform removes the need for costly, laborious, and risky feeder cells that could introduce clinical risks to the manufacturing process – use GROW-NK to reduce process and compliance complications and increase cell herapy efficacy.

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      • The NanoSpark® STEM-T Soluble T Cell Activator is an easy-to-use, culture-ready reagent for in vitro activation and expansion of human T cells, including CAR-T cells, through an entirely protein-based activation with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies on a protein scaffold. The product activates resting human CD3+ T cells originating from purified T lymphocytes or patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The nanoscale of the NanoSpark® STEM-T protein complex allows for sterile filtration and removal of excess reagent via either media exchange or simple centrifugal cell washing. The NanoSpark® STEM-T Soluble T Cell Activator contains self-assembling protein nanoparticles with functional antibodies bound to the surface through high-affinity non-covalent interactions. These anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies are arranged in a proprietary biophysical combination on the NanoSpark® platform to drive best-in-class performance that favors stemlike CD8+ T cell production.

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      • The VitroPrime™ Spread-Attach Plates, unique surface treated for superior hydrogel spreading, adherence, and uniform surface to eliminate the edge effect, solve the floating issue and uneven cell attachment to help promote rapid cell growth and improve cell yields.

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      • The VitroPrime™ Spread-Attach Plates, unique surface treated for superior hydrogel spreading, adherence, and uniform surface to eliminate the edge effect, solve the floating issue and uneven cell attachment to help promote rapid cell growth and improve cell yields.

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      • The VitroPrime™ Spread-Attach Plates, unique surface treated for superior hydrogel spreading, adherence, and uniform surface to eliminate the edge effect, solve the floating issue and uneven cell attachment to help promote rapid cell growth and improve cell yields.

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      • The VitroPrime™ Spread-Attach Plates, unique surface treated for superior hydrogel spreading, adherence, and uniform surface to eliminate the edge effect, solve the floating issue and uneven cell attachment to help promote rapid cell growth and improve cell yields.

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      • The VitroPrime™ Spread-Attach Plates, unique surface treated for superior hydrogel spreading, adherence, and uniform surface to eliminate the edge effect, solve the floating issue and uneven cell attachment to help promote rapid cell growth and improve cell yields.

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