Female CD-1 Mouse Liver S9, 20 mg (Legacy Xenotech product ref. M1500.S9). Please find the equivalence table of all former Xenotech references and new BioIVT references in the Resources & Datasheet section of this product page.
Steatohepatitis Liver Specimen .25g (in buffer of choice) (Legacy Xenotech product ref. HHPL.HST). Please find the equivalence table of all former Xenotech references and new BioIVT references in the Resources & Datasheet section of this product page.
Steatosis Liver Specimen .25g (in buffer of choice) (Legacy Xenotech product ref. HHPL.ST). Please find the equivalence table of all former Xenotech references and new BioIVT references in the Resources & Datasheet section of this product page.