Results for Buffers & Concentrates ( 922 )
This blocking buffer is specifically designed for Western blotting using fluorochrome conjugated antibodies. Pure nitrocellulose membrane is recommended for maximum performance. Other membranes, such as PVDF or nitrocellulose embedded in a support can be used, but may generate elevated backgrounds. Protein should be transferred from gel to membrane using standard protocols. Blocking buffer can be used for membrane blocking and to dilute both primary and secondary antibodies. Blocking Buffer for Fluorescent Western Blotting is suitable for use with imaging systems produced by Bio-Rad Laboratories, GE Healthcare, Alpha Innotech, FujiFilm Life Science, Licor Biosciences, UVP and Syngene.
Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) and Immunofluorescence (IF) staining buffer is a diluent buffer optimized for use in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assay of viable and/or fixed cells. FACS and IF staining, washing buffer contains 2% calf bovine serum as carrier and stabilizer to reduce non-specific binding of antibodies and fluorochrome reagents to targets cells. Metabolic inhibitors and NaN3 are also included in the flow cytometry and immunofluorescence buffer to prevent patching, capping of surface antigen and bacterial growth.