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Results for Buffers & Concentrates ( 978 )

    • Ref: MB-014
      Sizes: 100 mL

      EDTA is widely used for scavenging metal ion in biochemistry and molecular biology. Ion depletion is commonly used to deactivate metal-dependent enzymes, either as an assay for their reactivity or to suppress damage to DNA or proteins. In tissue culture EDTA is used as a chelating agent that binds to calcium and prevents joining of cadherins between cells, preventing clumping of cells grown in liquid suspension, or detaching adherent cells for passaging. EDTA is also known to inhibit a range of metallopeptidases, the method of inhibition occurs via the chelation of the metal ion required for catalytic activity.

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    • SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate is an anionic surfactant. SDS is commonly used in laboratory as component of buffer for cell lysis, cell lysis during DNA extraction and mostly in SDS-PAGE running buffer. Indeed, SDS is an anionic detergent applied to protein sample to linearize proteins and to impart a negative charge to linearized proteins.

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    • SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate is an anionic surfactant. SDS is commonly used in laboratory as component of buffer for cell lysis, cell lysis during DNA extraction and mostly in SDS-PAGE running buffer. Indeed, SDS is an anionic detergent applied to protein sample to linearize proteins and to impart a negative charge to linearized proteins.

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    • Sodium acetate is the conjugate base of a weak acid. Solution of sodium acetate and acetic acid can act as a buffer to keep a relatively constant pH. This is useful especially in biochemical applications where reactions are pH dependent.

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    • SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, describes a technique widely used in biochemistry to separate proteins according to their electrophoretic mobility (a function of the length of a polypeptide chain and its charge) and no other physical feature. SDS is an anionic detergent applied to protein sample to linearize proteins and to impart a negative charge to linearized proteins. 10X SDS-PAGE Running Buffer is suitable for laboratory involved in protein biochemistry. Visit our newly expanded web site at for methods using this and other buffers.

      Product detail
    • SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, describes a technique widely used in biochemistry to separate proteins according to their electrophoretic mobility (a function of the length of a polypeptide chain and its charge) and no other physical feature. SDS is an anionic detergent applied to protein sample to linearize proteins and to impart a negative charge to linearized proteins. Visit our newly expanded web site at for methods using this and other buffers.

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    • TBE is often used in procedures involving nucleic acids, the most common being electrophoresis in molecular biology. Tris-acid solutions are effective buffers for slightly basic conditions, which keep DNA deprotonated and soluble in water. EDTA is a chelator of divalent cations, particularly of magnesium (Mg2+). As these ions are necessary co-factors for many enzymes, including contaminant nucleases, the role of the EDTA is to protect the nucleic acids against enzymatic degradation. But since Mg2+ is also a co-factor for many useful DNA-modifying enzymes such as restriction enzymes and DNA polymerases.

      Product detail
    • TBE is often used in procedures involving nucleic acids, the most common being electrophoresis in molecular biology. Tris-acid solutions are effective buffers for slightly basic conditions, which keep DNA deprotonated and soluble in water. EDTA is a chelator of divalent cations, particularly of magnesium (Mg2+). As these ions are necessary co-factors for many enzymes, including contaminant nucleases, the role of the EDTA is to protect the nucleic acids against enzymatic degradation. But since Mg2+ is also a co-factor for many useful DNA-modifying enzymes such as restriction enzymes and DNA polymerases.

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    • Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) is a buffer solution containing a mixture of Tris base, acetic acid and EDTA. TAE suitable for multiple molecular biology applications including agarose electrophoresis for the separation of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA.

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