Results for Lipids & Polymers ( 10111 )
Cholesteryl Oleate is a cholesterol ester. The liver is a primary source of cholesteryl oleate, esterified form cholesterol, that enriches the LDL particles when released into plasma. Cholesteryl Oleate has been used in the generation of nanoparticles and liposomes for drug delivery. Reagent grade, for research use only.
Dios-Arg (trifluoroacetate salt) is a steroid-based cationic lipid that contains a diosgenin skeleton coupled to an L-arginine head group. Dios-Arg forms a complex with plasmid DNA and decreases plasmid DNA migration in an agarose-gel retardant assay at charge ratio greater than or equal to 4. Reagent grade, for research use only.
2H-Cho-Arg (trifluoroacetate salt) is a steroid-based cationic lipid that contains a 2H-cholesterol skeleton coupled to an L-arginine head group and can be used to facilitate gene transfection. 2H-Cho-Arg forms a complex with plasmid DNA (pDNA) and decreases pDNA migration in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay at +/- charge ratios of 4 or higher. Reagent grade, for research use only.