Gemcitabine HCl
Gemcitabine HCl resembles that of the nucleoside, cytidine, and its incorporation into new DNA strands causes an irreparable error that halts further DNA synthesis, causing cell death.
2'-Fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine-5'-Triphosphate, 10 x 10 umole
2'-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-Triphosphate, 10 x 10 umole
2'-O-Methyl-N6-Methyl-ATP, 10 x 10 umole
7-Deaza-7-Propargylamino-2'-dATP, 10 x 10 umole
7-Deaza-7-Propargylamino-2'-dGTP, 10 x 10 umole
2',3'-Dideoxythymidine-5'-O-(1-Thiotriphosphate), 5 umoles
O-propargyl-puromycine (OPP)