MantaReady DMD Cells and Media Kit, 1 Million Cells
MantaReady Cells: iPSC-Skeletal 2D applications, DMD, 1 Million Cells, + 1 Curi Bio 2D iPSC Media Kit
MantaReady DMD Cells and Media Kit, 6 Million Cells
MantaReady Cells: iPSC-Skeletal EMT, DMD, 6 Million Cells, + 1 Curi Bio iPSC Skeletal Muscle Media Kit Days 0-10
MantaReady WT Cells and Media Kit, 12 Million Cells
MantaReady Cells: iPSC-Skeletal EMT, Wild Type, 12 Million Cells, + 2 Curi Bio iPSC Skeletal Muscle Media Kit Days 0-10
MantaReady WT Cells and Media Kit, 1 Million Cells
MantaReady Cells: iPSC-Skeletal 2D applications, Wild Type, 1 Million Cells, + 1 Curi Bio 2D iPSC Media Kit
MantaReady WT Cells and Media Kit, 6 Million Cells
MantaReady Cells: iPSC-Skeletal EMT, Wild Tyle, 6 Million Cells, + 1 Curi Bio iPSC Skeletal Muscle Media Kit Days 0-10
Fresh plated Human Hepatocytes
Human-derived hepatocytes plated on 24-well plate
Plateable Cryopreserved Human Hepatocytes
Human-derived hepatocytes with qualified metabolic parameters and the ability to form a confluent monolayer after 24 hours in culture.
Pooled Suspension Cryopreserved Human Hepatocytes (10 donors
Human-derived hepatocytes pooled from 10 donors, balanced gender and averaged metabolic parameters
Spheroid-qualified Human Hepatocytes
Human-derived hepatocytes qualified to from dense spheroids within 5-10 days In culture. Supplied with the well-plate