Results for Lab Tools ( 2275 )
Tris solution is an abbreviation of the organic compound known as tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane. Tris is extensively used in biochemistry and molecular biology. In biochemistry, Tris is widely used as a component of additional buffer solutions, such as in TAE and TBE buffer, especially for solutions of nucleic acids. Visit our newly expanded web site at for methods using this and other buffers.
Tris solution is an abbreviation of the organic compound known as tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane. Tris is extensively used in biochemistry and molecular biology. In biochemistry, Tris is widely used as a component of buffer solutions, such as in TAE and TBE buffer, especially for solutions of nucleic acids.
Tris-Glycine Running Gel buffer without SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, describes a technique widely used in biochemistry to separate proteins according to their electrophoretic mobility (a function of the length of a polypeptide chain and its charge) and no other physical feature. SDS is an anionic detergent applied to protein sample to linearize proteins and to impart a negative charge to linearized proteins.
Tris-Glycine Running Gel buffer without SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, describes a technique widely used in biochemistry to separate proteins according to their electrophoretic mobility (a function of the length of a polypeptide chain and its charge) and no other physical feature. SDS is an anionic detergent applied to protein sample to linearize proteins and to impart a negative charge to linearized proteins.
RIPA (Radio-Immunoprecipitation Assay) Lysis Buffer enables rapid, efficient cell lysis and solubilization of proteins from both adherent and suspension cultured mammalian cells. It has long been a widely used lysis and wash buffer for small-scale affinity pull-down applications, such as immunoprecipitation, since most antibodies and protein antigens are not adversely affected by the components of this buffer. In addition, RIPA Lysis Buffer minimizes non-specific protein-binding interactions to keep background low, while allowing most specific interactions to occur, enabling studies of relevant protein-protein interactions. The following RIPA Lysis Buffer components have the following effects: Tris-HCl is a buffering agent prevents protein denaturation, NaCl is a salt that prevents non-specific protein aggregation, IGEPAL is a non-ionic detergent to extract proteins; Na-deoxycholate and SDS are ionic detergents to extract proteins; and sodium azide is a bacteriostatic agent added to r