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Results for Lab Tools ( 2274 )

    • Ref: H355-12
      Sizes: 100 mg

      Application: SAM preparation, dilution of functional alkanethiols

      Product detail
    • Ref: I001-10
      Sizes: 25 g

      Chelating reagent (For detailed information about Dojindo's chelating reagent, please visit;

      Product detail
    • Ref: I001-12
      Sizes: 500 g

      Chelating reagent (For detailed information about Dojindo's chelating reagent, please visit;

      Product detail
    • Ref: I271-10
      Sizes: 20 μg × 3

      IC3 and IC5 are indocyanine dyes that can react with aminegroups on proteins, peptides, and amine-modified oligonucleotides.

      Product detail
    • Ref: I272-10
      Sizes: 20 μg × 3

      IC3 and IC5 are indocyanine dyes that can react with aminegroups on proteins, peptides, and amine-modified oligonucleotides.

      Product detail
    • Ref: I279-10
      Sizes: 10 mg

      Isothiocyanobenzyl-NTA is utilized to modify the surfaces on which amine groups are attached. 

      Product detail
    • Ref: K001-10
      Sizes: 50 g

      Chelating reagent (For detailed information about Dojindo's chelating reagent, please visit;

      Product detail
    • Ref: K001-12
      Sizes: 500 g

      Chelating reagent (For detailed information about Dojindo's chelating reagent, please visit;

      Product detail
    • Ref: K002-10
      Sizes: 50 g

      Chelating reagent (For detailed information about Dojindo's chelating reagent, please visit;

      Product detail