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Results for Lab Tools ( 2275 )

    • Ref: N011-10
      Sizes: 100 mg

      Nitro-TB is easily reduced by dehydrogenase to purple formazan dye aggregates. It is used for dehydrogenase detection on agarose gels.

      Product detail
    • Ref: N011-12
      Sizes: 1 g

      Nitro-TB is easily reduced by dehydrogenase to purple formazan dye aggregates. It is used for dehydrogenase detection on agarose gels.

      Product detail
    • Ref: N013-08
      Sizes: 1 g

      NN is a colorimetric and chelatometric reagent for calcium. Application: Ca detection, colorimetric

      Product detail
    • Ref: N020-10
      Sizes: 50 mg

      NBD-F is highly reactive and can label primary and secondary amines under mild conditions (1 min reaction at 6ºC in a weak basic solution). NBD-F is a pre-labeling compound for HPLC analysis of small molecules.

      Product detail
    • Ref: N020-12
      Sizes: 100 mg

      NBD-F is highly reactive and can label primary and secondary amines under mild conditions (1 min reaction at 6ºC in a weak basic solution). NBD-F is a pre-labeling compound for HPLC analysis of small molecules.

      Product detail
    • Ref: N030-10
      Sizes: 5 g

      Chelating reagent (For detailed information about Dojindo's chelating reagent, please visit;

      Product detail
    • Ref: N031-10
      Sizes: 100 mg

      Nitro-PAPS is a highly sensitive colorimetric reagent for Fe(II) detection that forms a water-soluble complex at pH 3.-8. (λmax=582 nm, λ=17,). This reagent is suitable for the determination of Fe(II) in serum and can also be used to determine micromolar levels of Cu, Zn, Ni, and Co. Cu and Zn in serum are masked by a mixture of thioglycolic acid and SDS. Zn in serum can be determined by Nitro-PAPS using CN- as a masking reagent of Fe and Cu.

      Product detail
    • Ref: N373-10
      Sizes: 1 g

      n-Nonyl-β-D-thiomaltoside is a newly developed detergent whose lipophilic moiety is maltose. This reagent is suitable for isolating proteins inside of cell membranes.

      Product detail
    • Ref: N377-10
      Sizes: 10 mg

      NOCs are stable NO-amine complexes that spontaneously release NO, without cofactors, under physiological conditions. The rate of NO release depends on the chemical structure of NOC. The mechanism of spontaneous NO generation by NOCs is very simple compared to other classical NO donors, such as nitroglycerin and nitropurusside, and the by-products do not interfere with cell activities. 

      Product detail