Results for Lab Tools ( 2281 )
NucleoSeeing is a novel live cell imaging probe which emits green fluorescence by binding to DNA specifically. NucleoSeeing can be used for not only in animal cells or tissues, but also Guard cell of Arabidopsis thaliana with high S/N ratio. Moreover, NucleoSeeing can be used as a pH sensor in nucleus.
PCEI-HU (Photoswitchable CENP-E inhibitor) is the world's first reagent which can control movements of Centromere protein E (CENP-E), a kinesin-like motor protein in metapahse of mitosis. Visible light stops the movement of chromosome, and UV light resumes the movement of chromosome. This movement is controllable until all chromosomes are aligned on the metaphase plate in metaphase. PCEI-HU is a powerful tool for the fundamental investigation of prometaphase/metaphase and spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC).