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Results for Ladders & Agaroses ( 144 )

    • Ref: MM1397-500
      Sizes: 500μl

      PAGE-MASTER Protein Standard Plus,500μl

      Product detail
    • Ref: BMM3001
      Sizes: 100 μL, 250 μL×2, 250 μL×20

      Abbkine Prestained Protein Marker (10-180kDa)

      Product detail
    • Ref: MGlad-20
      Sizes: HYA-MGLAD

      The Select-HA Mega Ladder is a mixture of biotin-Select HA molecules of defined sizes for use as size standards in gel electrophoresis or other separation methods. This ladder covers a range from 2 megadalton to 9 megadalton.Select-HA™ is a hyaluronic acid (HA) preparation of uniform and narrow size distribution prepared by in vitro synthesis using recombinant Pasteurella multocida hyaluronan synthase1.HA is a high molecular weight anionic polysaccharide (1 000-10 000 kD) composed of repeating disaccharides and is one of several glycosaminoglycan components of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue. Various biological activities are influenced by the HA size or chain length; processes including proliferation angiogenesis inflammation and binding appear to be differentially affected by high or low molecular weight HA.Storage: -20°C or below. Avoid frequent freeze-thaw; aliquoting is recommended. Avoid contamination of Select-HA Mega Ladder with microbes or HA-degrading enz

      Product detail
    • Ref: IDNALDRHEL500UL
      Sizes: 1 unit
    • Ref: IDNALDRLEL500UL
      Sizes: 1 unit
    • Ref: IDNALDRMEL500UL
      Sizes: 1 unit
    • Ref: 015-09532
      Sizes: 25g

      The gel shows high transparency and produced sharp separation. With its high gel strength of 1400 to 1600 g/cm2 (1.5 %), the product is best suited for electrophoresis of nucleic acid fragments with a vertical electrophoresis system. Gelling temperature: 36 degrees C (reference value) Gel strength: 1400 to 1600 g/cm2 (at a concentration of 1.5 %) Sulfate(SO4): <1.0 %

      Product detail
    • protein standard marker used for electrophoresis

      Product detail
    • protein standard marker used for electrophoresis

      Product detail