Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

At Tebubio, we facilitate life sciences research every day, contributing to the advancement of science for a brighter future.  
We are deeply aware that such a future is only possible on a healthy planet. This is why we make extra efforts to refine our operations and ensure sustainability in all aspects of our business.
Corporate social responsibility is at the heart of our strategy. We believe our mission can only be achieved by creating value for everyone, including our customers, suppliers, environment, neighbours, and all communities we interact with. 
All members of Tebubio across Europe are committed to our engagement and dedicated to improving our social impact. 

Our Commitment to Quality

Quality, through our pursuit of operational excellence, is at the heart of everything we do at Tebubio. Our customers and partners rely on us to provide products and services that meet the highest standards of precision and reliability.
In line with our core values, we have been ISO 9001 certified for over 20 years, ensuring that our processes are continually refined to deliver outstanding results. This certification covers the entire Tebubio group and all our activities.
More than a certification, our dedication to maintain a culture of quality and excellence throughout our operations, from sourcing and distribution to customer service is an integral part of everything we do for our customers daily. The satisfaction of our customers and stakeholders is key to our shared success.

Our Approach & Commitment 

Our commitment is based on three pillars we identified after having assessed the impact our organisation has on all our stakeholders.  

These pillars have helped us set the goals and targets to be better actors of our society in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations Member states in 2015.  

Improving our Ecological Footprint  

Throughout its 70 years, Tebubio has continuously increased its awareness of the impact it has on the planet, which has led to strong engagements to preserve our environment by:

  • Managing and reducing our waste in all our operations
  • Driving Climate solutions
  • Promoting and protecting natural resources

Building a better Working Place

Our ambitions can only prove successful because of the women and me who stand with us daily.

At Tebubio, we value and appreciate our team. To build a better working place we aim to:

  • Prevent discrimination and promote diversity in the workplace
  • Improve well-being in the workplace
  • Support our people in their skills and development

Bringing more to our Communities

Tebubio operates across Europe where we promote a culture that drives and is driven by ethics and business integrity.

 To bring more to the communities we are part of, we:

  • Comply with the highest ethical standards in research
  • Contribute to the great scientific community
  • Strive to act locally

Our Certifications and Programs

Quality and Social Responsibility  

Placing your satisfaction at the center of our attention is our main objective. The whole Tebubio Group is certified to ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015.

More than a certification, our dedication to continuously offer you the best possible service is an integral part of everything we do for you daily, throughout all our teams across Europe.


Tebubio has obtained an Ecovadis bronze medal in 2024, recognizing our efforts towards sustainability.

This places us among top 35% of companies rated by Ecovadis.

Ecovadis is a leading provider of sustainability ratings that assesses companies across the globe on a range of sustainability criteria, including environmental, social, and ethical practices.

"Pacte PME" Decarbonation Program 

Tebubio takes part to the "Decarbonation Alliance Program" led by Pacte PME, to accelerate its decarbonation efforts. 

Pacte PME is a French organization who strive to create synergies between major companies, and small and medium size businesses, including their fight against global warming. 

France 2030 Program

Tebubio is supported by the "France 2030" French Government Program to further improve the performance and development of its RNA activities. 

Gender Equality Index 

In 2023, we confirmed our vigilance in terms of professional equality by obtaining an average score of 92/100 on the related French gouvernemental Index.

The index makes it possible to assess equality in pay and employee advancement within companies, by objectively measuring the pay gap between women and men.



2025 Quality & CSR Policy

The Policy outlines our strong commitment to excellence in terms of Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility.  Discover more about our goals, actions, and impact in our first sustainability report, which we will voluntarily disclose shortly. 

ISO Certificates

You can consult our ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 certificates below. 

For any question, you can contact us.