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Access an engaging on-demand webinar to discover how our Europe-based Contract Research Service Laboratory can help you screen the most effective LNP formulations for optimal RNA delivery into your cell system.

What is this webinar about?

Lipids nanoparticles (LNPs) have revolutionized drug delivery, marking a major breakthrough in vaccination and opening up new possibilities for future therapies. However, researchers face significant challenges with LNP preparation, analysis, and, most importantly, their design for precise delivery to specific cell types.At Tebubio, we tacle these challenges with our state-of-the-art LNP Delivery Platform, designed to identify the most effective formulations tailored to your specific needs.In this webinar, we demonstrate how our platform can be utilized to screen the most efficient LNP formulations for optimal delivery into HCT116 cancer cells models.

Webinar summary

Whether you are looking to prepare "standard" LNPs, screening for the ideal formulation for RNA delivery to your cell system, or initiating in vivo transfection, this on-demand webinar is for you. Discover how partnering with Tebubio can transform your LNP research and development:


  1. LNP preparation, analysis, and delivery efficiency, in cancer cell research model (HCT116).
  2. End-to-end solutions, from formulation screening to medium-scale LNP preparation for in vivo RNA transfection.
  3. Cutting-edge LNP design innovations and development, powered by our trusted partners.

Q&A of the live session

  • How do you encapsulate RNA? What is the mechanism?

    The mechanism of mRNA encapsulation we are using, is based on the rapid mixing of mRNA-lipids through microfluidics which has been well documented, and relies on physicochemical properties of the lipids and pH changes.

  • At Tebubio do you have propertary Lipids ?

    No, we do not develop proprietary lipids. We have suppliers (Certest Pharma, Echelon Biosciences, Broadpharm, Sartorius Polyplus..) that are experts in this field. However we can sell and use all our partners lipids on our platform to develop the best formulation for your project.

  • Are you able to do screening in in vivo models in addition to in vitro models?

    A Tebubio we are only performing in vitro screening. For the in vivo studies our partner Certest Pharma have such capabilities. We can perform first in vitro screening in our facilities and after transfer the best formulation to our partner for invio studies.

  • Do you experience/expect a big difference in terms of encapsulation efficiency for small mRNA of about 50-100nt?"

    No. We have tested oligonucleotides (~20-40 nt) and observed similar behavior.

Your webinar presenters

Xavier Warnet, PhD

Project Manager, Formulation Specialist


Erica Cirri, PhD

Project Manager, RNA Specialist

Q&A Moderator

Want to learn more about the proposed solutions?
Access our Contract Research Service RNA Delivery brochure

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