RayBiotech award Tebubio as Best in Europe

October 27, 2017 



At the recent meeting of all RayBiotech distributors, Isabelle Nobiron PhD (Product Specialist, Tebubio), was proud to receive the 2017 Outstanding Distributor Award – Best in Europe. 


RayBiotech 2017 Outstanding Distributor Award – Tebubio Best in Europe


During this meeting, which took place in Guangzhou (China), RayBiotech (Norcross, USA) also appointed tebu-bio as one of the 3 centers in the world to perform contract research for their high density arrays. Up to 1000 human proteins, 200 mouse and 67 rat biomarkers can be tested on semi-quantitative or quantitative proteomics microarray platforms. 

Tebubio has been a longstanding, recognised RayBiotech Certified Services provider, performing outsourced immunoassays at their European Headquarters situated near Paris. 

RayBiotech, Inc. develop cutting edge proteomics tools for the advancement of basic and clinical research, and the facilitation of drug and biomarker discovery.  Their product-line covers 2,000+ rigorously tested ELISA tests (covered by a 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee), Multiplex ELISA Arrays (Quantibody®), Membrane- or glass-slide Antibody Arrays (C-Series, G-Series, L-Series, E-Series), Functional assays, Research antibodies and Recombinant proteins. 

Tebubio provides their broad range of products to researchers across Europe. For more details, contact your local Tebubio office