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    Results for ELISA ( 63682 )

      • Ref: KOA0443
        Sizes: 1 Kit
        From: €940.00

        Basigin is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily that is also known as EMMPRIN, short for extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer, and recently has been designated CD147(cluster of differentiation 147). It is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, with a structure related to the putative primordial form of the family. As members of the immunoglobulin superfamily play fundamental roles in intercellular recognition involved in various immunologic phenomena, differentiation, and development, basigin is thought also to play a role in intercellular recognition(Miyauchi et al., 1991; Kanekura et al., 1991).This protein is a determinant for the Ok blood group system. Basigin is a type I integral membrane receptor that has many ligands, including the cyclophilin(CyP) proteins Cyp-A and CyP-B and certain integrins. It is expressed by many cell types, including epithelial cells, endothelial cells and leukocytes.

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      • From: €866.00

        Endothelial cell-specific molecule 1, also known as Endocan, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ESM1 gene. This gene encodes a secreted protein which is mainly expressed in the endothelial cells in human lung and kidney tissues. The expression of this gene is regulated by cytokines, suggesting that it may play a role in endothelium-dependent pathological disorders. The transcript contains multiple polyadenylation and mRNA instability signals. ESM1 has been described as a specific biomarker of tip cells during neoangiogenesis by independent teams. Its expression has been shown to be increase in presence of pro-angiogenic growth factors such as VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor) or FGF-2 (fibroblast growth factor 2).

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      • From: €866.00

        Endothelial cell-specific molecule 1, also known as Endocan, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ESM1 gene. This gene encodes a secreted protein which is mainly expressed in the endothelial cells in human lung and kidney tissues. The expression of this gene is regulated by cytokines, suggesting that it may play a role in endothelium-dependent pathological disorders. The transcript contains multiple polyadenylation and mRNA instability signals. ESM-1 has been described as a specific biomarker of tip cells during neoangiogenesis by independent teams. Its expression has been shown to be increase in presence of pro-angiogenic growth factors such as VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor) or FGF-2(fibroblast growth factor 2).

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      • Ref: KOA0446
        Sizes: 1 Kit
        From: €866.00

        Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a transmembrane glycoprotein mediating Ca2+-independent homotypic cell-cell adhesion in epithelia. Also it is involved in cell signaling, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Additionally, EpCAM has oncogenic potential via its capacity to upregulate c-myc, e-fabp, and cyclins A & E. Since it is expressed exclusively in epithelia and epithelial-derived neoplasms, EpCAM can be used as diagnostic marker for various cancers. It appears to play a role in tumorigenesis and metastasis of carcinomas, so it can also act as a potential prognostic marker and as a potential target for immunotherapeutic strategies.

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      • Ref: KOA0447
        Sizes: 1 Kit
        From: €940.00

        HER2/neu(also known as ErbB-2) stands for "Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2" and is a protein giving higher aggressiveness in breast cancers. It is a member of the ErbB protein family, more commonly known as the epidermal growth factor receptor family. HER2/neu has also been designated as CD340(cluster of differentiation 340) and p185. It is encoded by the ERBB2 gene.HER2 is a cell membrane surface-bound receptor tyrosine kinase and is normally involved in the signal transduction pathways leading to cell growth and differentiation. It is encoded within the genome by HER2/neu, a known proto-oncogene. HER2 is thought to be an orphan receptor, with none of the EGF family of ligands able to activate it. However, ErbB receptors dimerise on ligand binding, and HER2 is the preferential dimerisation partner of other members of the ErbB family.1 The HER2 gene is a proto-oncogene located at the long arm of human chromosome 17(17q21-q22)2.

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      • From: €940.00

        Alpha2-HS glycoprotein(AHSG), also known as fetuin-A, is a plasma protein displaying high-affinity interaction with calcium phosphate, by which ectopic vascular calcification is prevented. The AHSG polymorphism is attributable to the hereditary variation of AHSG and phosphate serum levels, which may affect skeletal development and chronic disorders such as vascular calcification.1Human plasma protein alpha 2-HS-glycoprotein(AHSG) is composed of two polypeptide chains, A and B, encoded by a single mRNA. Southern blot analysis of mouse x human somatic cell hybrids has mapped the AHSG gene to human chromosome 3 in the region 3q21----qter. Using a recombinant plasmid containing a 1,538 bp insert spanning the entire AHSG coding region, AHSG was localized to chromosomal bands 3q27----q29 by in situ hybridization.2

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      • From: €940.00

        Galectin-1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the LGALS1 gene. The galectins are a family of beta-galactoside-binding proteins implicated in modulating cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. LGALS1 may act as an autocrine negative growth factor that regulates cell proliferation. Baldini et al. stated that the mouse beta-galactoside-binding protein is an autocrine regulator of cell proliferation with a role in the maintenance of G0 and in the control of G2 traverse. They found that galectin-1 was expressed in a subset of slowly dividing subventricular zone astrocytes, which included the neural stem cells. Intraventricular infusion experiments and phenotypic analysis of knockout mice showed that galectin-1 was an endogenous factor that promoted the proliferation of neural stem cells in adult mouse brain. The standard product used in this kit is recombinant mouse GALECTIN-1, Ala2-Glu135, with the molecular mass of 15KDa.

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      • From: €866.00

        Galectin-3(GAL3), also known as LGALS3, MAC2 or GALBP, is a member of the lectin family, of which 14 mammalian galectins have been identified. Galectin-3 is encoded by a single gene, LGALS3, located on chromosome 14, locus q21–q22. It is expressed in the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, cell surface, and extracellular space. Studies have also shown that the expression of galectin-3 is implicated in a variety of processes associated with heart failure, including myofibroblast proliferation, fibrogenesis, tissue repair, inflammation, and Ventricular remodeling. Galectin-3 is expressed in various tissues and organs, but is significantly absent in normal hepatocytes.

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      • From: €866.00

        Galectin-3(GAL3), also known as LGALS3, MAC2 or GALBP, is a member of the lectin family, of which 14 mammalian galectins have been identified. Galectin-3 is encoded by a single gene, LGALS3, located on chromosome 14, locus q21–q22. It is expressed in the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, cell surface, and extracellular space. Studies have also shown that the expression of galectin-3 is implicated in a variety of processes associated with heart failure, including myofibroblast proliferation, fibrogenesis, tissue repair, inflammation, and Ventricular remodeling. Galectin-3 is expressed in various tissues and organs, but is significantly absent in normal hepatocytes.

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