Results for Buffers & Concentrates ( 977 )
- From: €343.00
RIPA (Radio-Immunoprecipitation Assay) Lysis Buffer enables rapid, efficient cell lysis and solubilization of proteins from both adherent and suspension cultured mammalian cells. It has long been a widely used lysis and wash buffer for small-scale affinity pull-down applications, such as immunoprecipitation, since most antibodies and protein antigens are not adversely affected by the components of this buffer. In addition, RIPA Lysis Buffer minimizes non-specific protein-binding interactions to keep background low, while allowing most specific interactions to occur, enabling studies of relevant protein-protein interactions. The following RIPA Lysis Buffer components have the following effects: Tris-HCl is a buffering agent prevents protein denaturation, NaCl is a salt that prevents non-specific protein aggregation, IGEPAL® CA-630 is a non-ionic detergent to extract proteins; Na-deoxycholate and SDS are ionic detergents to extract proteins; and sodium azide is a bacteriostatic agent ad
- From: €2,351.00
Fluorescence technology is widely used to detect proteins. However, many common visible fluorophores often result in considerable background fluorescence in the visible range. Visible fluorophores are rarely used for membrane-based protein detection because of this high background. IRDye™800, IRDye™700DX, Alexa Fluor® 680 and Cy5.5™ antibody and reagent conjugates are specifically designed for protein detection methods that use longer-wavelength, near-infrared (IR) fluorophores to visualize proteins in western blotting and other applications. IRDye™800 and IRDye™700DX fluoresce outside the range of most autofluorescence and therefore specific signal is sharply evident from any background giving the best possible signal-to-noise ratio. Detection levels in the picogram range on Western blots rival the sensitivity of chemiluminescence on film. IRDye™800 conjugates are also suitable for immunofluorescence microscopy using commercially available excitation/emission filters in the 780nm/820n
- From: €1,845.00
BlockOut® Universal Blocking Buffer Solution for Western Blotting is specifically designed for colorimetric, chemiluminescent, and fluorescent western blotting. BlockOut® is recommended for blocking when phospho specific antibodies are used. Pure nitrocellulose membrane is recommended for maximum performance. Other membranes, such as PVDF or nitrocellulose embedded in a support can be used, but may generate elevated backgrounds. Protein should be transferred from gel to membrane using standard protocols. BlockOut® can be used for membrane blocking and to dilute both primary and secondary antibodies. BlockOut® buffer is suitable for use with chemiluminescent and fluorescent western blot imaging systems produced by Bio-Rad Laboratories, GE Healthcare, Alpha Innotech, FujiFilm Life Science, Licor Biosciences, UVP and Syngene.
- From: €280.00
Preclinical and clinical successes of Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene therapy have established AAV as an ideal and safe therapeutic vector. Moreover, these successes have motivated research in both discovering and engineering novel AAV capsids that are more selective and clinically desirable than existing capsids. When injecting AAV particles into animals, it is necessary to use highly purified particles that do not contain any residual AAV host cells. Isolating AAV particles from the AAV host cells is conventionally conducted using freeze-thaw or sonication methods. However, these methods are time consuming and carry significant amounts of proteins from the host cells. The AAV ONE-Extract™ Solution is a reagent for quickly extracting AAV particles from AAV host cells. This reagent provides a simple and efficient method for isolating the AAV particles and is suitable for all AAV serotypes. The resulting viral particles are well-suited for cell infection or further purifica