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    Results for Histology & Microscopy ( 382 )

      • Ref: TR-605-ER2
        Sizes: 4 vials x 5.5 µL per vial
        From: €502.00

        LipoFluor-ER2™ is a cell-permeant stain for the endoplasmic reticulum with unique spectral properties, which makes it particularly useful for antibody double- and triple-labelling experiments. LipoFluor-ER2™ is highly compatible with green, red and far-red fluorophore-labelled antibodies and has been successfully used to image the endoplasmic reticulum in human and other mammalian cell lines. It passively diffuses across the plasma membrane into the cell, stains at low concentrations and has minimal cytotoxic effects. This tracing reagent can be used on live and fixed samples, is compatible with other dyes, shows excellent resistance to photobleaching and demonstrates low cytotoxicity.

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      • From: €792.00

        HQ-O Ready-To-Dilute (RTD<sup>TM</sup>) Stain Reagent is designed to label amyloid plaques in paraffin-embedded or freshly cut frozen tissue sections. As a fluorescent zinc chelator, HQ-O is unique as it takes advantage of the known presence of concentrated zinc in amyloid plaques. Studies with HQ-O revealed that fluorescent plaque-like structures are only seen when synthetic Aβx-42 is aggregated in the presence of zinc. Under blue light excitation, plaque structures appear bright green fluorescent in the brain parenchyma, correlating closely with plaque structures observed following Aβ antibody staining. HQ-O RTD<sup>TM</sup> staining reagent is compatible with other fluorophores, such as DAPI, Hoechst and ethidium bromide, as well as fluorescent-labelled antibodies with emission spectra in the blue and/or red emission range of fluorescent microscopes. Due to its zinc-chelating characteristics, HQ-O RTD<sup>TM</sup> staining reagent may visualize globular structures within blood vesse

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      • Ref: AU.1000.DISK
        Sizes: 6 chips
        From: €426.00

        Disk Electrodes - 6 Chips

        Product detail
      • Ref: KA7093
        Sizes: 5 Reactions
        From: €855.00

        3D Bio-imaging Brain Slice Clearing Kit is a hydrophilic, RI Matching Solution that is easy-to-use, and allows rapid and robust clearing of brain tissues.

        Product detail
      • Ref: KA7094
        Sizes: 5 Reactions
        From: €1,077.00

        3D Bio-imaging Tissue Slice Clearing Kit is a hydrophilic, RI Matching Solution that is easy-to-use, and allows rapid and robust clearing of diverse tissues (for kidney, spleen, liver, muscle and heart).

        Product detail
      • From: €855.00

        3D Bio-imaging RI (Refractive index) Matching Solution (RI=1.52) is used for Brain Slice Clearing Kit (Cat # KA7093) and Tissue Slice Clearing Kit (Cat # KA7094).

        Product detail
      • Ref: WLS.0500
        Sizes: 6 chips
        From: €427.00

        Microwell Arrays | Honeycomb Substrates

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      • Ref: AU.0100.CSS
        Sizes: 12 pieces
        From: €676.00

        Coverslips with 10-nm Au, 22mm Square

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      • Ref: AU.1000.3PE
        Sizes: 8 chips
        From: €505.00

        Three Probe Electrodes - 8 Chips

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