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Results for Viral Vectors & Particles ( 1616 )

    • From: £686.00

      Product detail
    • Ref: LP470-050
      Sizes: 25 µl x 2 vials
      From: £686.00

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    • From: £992.00

      Firefly luciferase has been used as a sensitive reporter to study a wide range of biological responses. mCherry is a monomeric red fluorescent protein derived from DsRed found in the sea anemones Discosoma. It belongs to the mFruit family of monomeric red fluorescent proteins, which are improved versions of mRFP1 (monomeric red fluorescent protein 1) in terms of brightness and photostability. The use of fluorescent proteins allows for direct visualization of transfected or transduced cells under a fluorescent microscope or analysis by flow cytometry. The use of lentiviruses to introduce both luciferase and mCherry is a convenient strategy that allows expression of the markers in almost all mammalian cells and to easily determine transduction efficiency and access cellular responses.

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    • From: £992.00

      Firefly luciferase has been used as a sensitive reporter to study a wide range of biological responses. mCherry is a monomeric red fluorescent protein derived from DsRed found in the sea anemones Discosoma. It belongs to the mFruit family of monomeric red fluorescent proteins, which are improved versions of mRFP1 (monomeric red fluorescent protein 1) in terms of brightness and photostability. The use of fluorescent proteins allows for direct visualization of transfected or transduced cells under a fluorescent microscope or analysis by flow cytometry. The use of lentiviruses to introduce both luciferase and mCherry is a convenient strategy that allows expression of the markers in almost all mammalian cells and to easily determine transduction efficiency and access cellular responses.

      Product detail
    • Ref: SL100353
      Sizes: 1 x 25 µL (Trial Pack), 2 x 25 µL (Std Pack)
      From: £318.00

      LV-EF1α-NLS-GFP-Puro is a pre-made lentivirus which express eGFP fused with SV40 nuclear localization sequence (NLS) under the EF1α promoter with co-expression of puromycin selection in a IRES cassette. Ready to use format.

      Product detail
    • Ref: SL100354
      Sizes: 1 x 25 µL (Trial Pack), 2 x 25 µL (Std Pack)
      From: £318.00

      LV-EF1α-NLS-mCherry-Puro is a pre-made lentivirus which expresses mCherry fused with SV40 nuclear localization sequence (NLS) under the EF1α promoter with co-expression of puromycin selection in a IRES cassette. Ready to use format.

      Product detail
    • Ref: SL101742
      Sizes: 50 µL, 200 µL
      From: £210.00

      This recombinant human adenovirus type 5 expresses the mitochondrial targeting sequence from subunit VIII of human cytochrome C oxidase (Mito) fusion with EGFP under the CMV promoter. The Mito sequence is fused to the 5'-end of EGFP. The Mito sequence targets the Mito-EGFP fusion protein to the host cell’s mitochondria.

      Product detail
    • Ref: SL116034
      Sizes: 10 µL (Trial Pack), 30 µL (Std Pack)
      From: £226.00

      AAV(PHP.S)-Synapsin-Cre is a pre-packaged rAAV in serotype PHP.S (with capsid from AAV serotype PHP.S and 2xITR from AAV serotype 2) which over-expresses Cre recombinase under human synapsin promoter for exclusive neuronal expression. This product used in the Cre-lox system as a genetic tool to generate site-specific recombination of DNA between loxP sites in cultured cells and animal experiments. Ready to use format.

      Product detail
    • Ref: 78925
      Sizes: 500 µl x 2
      From: £964.00

      The binding of Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 (PD-1), a receptor expressed on activated T cells, to its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, negatively regulates immune responses. PD-1 ligands are found in most cancers, and PD-1:PD-L1/2 interaction inhibits T cell activity and allows cancer cells to escape immune surveillance. The PD-1:PD-L1/2 pathway is also involved in regulating autoimmune responses, making these proteins promising therapeutic targets for a number of cancers, as well as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, lupus, and type I diabetes.

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